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Smart Controllers

Take the guesswork out of watering...

Do you ever wonder how often and how much to water?  Or have you ever set up the "perfect" watering program in your controller only to have unusually wet or dry conditions?  You can take the guesswork out of watering by getting a Smart Controller.

Smart controllers make it so much easier to apply just the right amount of water.  What makes them special is that they calculate the amount of water the lawn needs and automatically adjust the watering program for changing weather conditions.  Pilot studies have shown an average of about 20% water savings, and in some cases even up to 50% savings, with no decrease in quality. (1)  In fact, since they help avoid underwatering and overwatering, they may actually help improve the health of the landscape by avoiding excessive moisture stress and overly wet conditions.

Irrigation Dynamics is factory trained and authorized to install two major brands of Smart Controllers.  The Weathermatic Smart Line Controller is available with its own Weather Sensor.  The Hydropoint WeatherTRAK Controller has a built in pager that receives data from a network of weather stations.  Both controllers update their programs daily to account for current weather conditions.

For general information about Smart Controllers, please see the Irrigation Association's Smart Water Application Technologies web site. 

If you would like to learn more about how a Smart Controller can save time, water, and money at your home or business, please call Irrigation Dynamics at 778-5124.

Hydropoint WeatherTRAK Controller

Weathermatic Weather Sensor

Weathermatic Smart Line Controller